Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that uses a tooth-colored composite resin material to enhance your smile. It is an inexpensive and fast solution that can repair a range of common complaints, including:

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Irregularly shaped or chipped teeth
  • Fractured or chipped teeth
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Yellowing
  • Staining
  • Minor cavities
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In this cosmetic procedure, a tooth-colored substance, or dental restoration, is affixed (bonded) to an existing tooth or teeth. The dentist applies a tooth-colored resin material (a durable plastic material) and cures it with visible, blue light. This ultimately “bonds” the material to the tooth and improves the overall appearance of teeth. The downside to tooth bonding is that the composite resin isn’t nearly as strong as a natural tooth, so it’s more likely that it can chip or break off altogether. It is an inexpensive and fast solution.

The alternative and long-term solution is the dental veneer. A dental veneer is a thin, custom-made shell of tooth-colored material that is bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. Veneers are one of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments. There are several types of veneers available, depending on your specific goals. The most common material used to fabricate a veneer Dental porcelain color matches with the rest of the teeth.

Veneers are an irreversible process, meaning you won’t be able to return to just your natural teeth. However, you will need to get them replaced as the age of the veneer.