It is a technique that involves placing a fixed bridge on top of six- to four dental implants, which are fabricated from materials such as acrylic fused to titanium, monolithic zirconia, and porcelain stacked to a cobalt-chromium frame. The implants are surgically placed and a prosthesis is inserted and connected to the implants. This is the best treatment option for patients who are soon-to-be edentulous meaning losing most of their teeth or hard to restore existing teeth that remain. These types of restorations are more durable and have a longer lifespan than other teeth replacement options. It can last for 20 years or longer with the right care.

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The implants become part of the jawbone and function as a sturdy foundation for the new teeth. The implants can support ten to fourteen teeth, depending on the jaw and bone anatomy and condition.

Compared to traditional removable dentures, these fixed prostheses do not slip or slide out of place. Another important advantage is it has less tendency to cause pain and damage or the gums. Wearing traditional dentures for a long period of time causes the jaw bone to weaken and possibly resorb, causing a sunken jaw look.

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